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Monday, 18 July 2011


OMG, what a laugh! What a great night/early morning! But boy am I suffering now. It was 3am when i finally got to bed, so glad Ajay won he deserved it, well done Ajay. Meimei was a close second and Kinsey in third. I think more of the sepctators got agitated than the people taking part, it was funny hearing them, all we wanted was the finish line and someone to win, it went on for hours! But its all over and Ajay has his crown and fair play to him, he answered well.  Well done to all those who took part, the models in CWS support each other so well and I love that about each and every one of you. I did learn a few things last night, my knowledge of US history sucks, and that i`ll stick to strutting my stuff on the runway chuckles! Muaah to you all! And keep popping back to my blog:).

Saturday, 9 July 2011


Good Evening Ladies and Gents, Anrol, Steve, Buters our distinguished judge, COO and Trainers of CWS! A very warm welcome to our MEEEOW theme. PuURRRS!

For today's styling event I chose to be a Ocelot, what is a Ocelot you may ask, well here are a few facts and info about them....

Ocelots range in color from light yellow to reddish gray, with dark spots and stripes. They have dark stripes on their cheeks and their tailed have rings of dark fur.

Ocelots are 20 to 40 inches long. Their tails are an additional ten to 15 inches. Ocelots weigh between 20 and 25 pounds.

An estimated 800,000 to 1.5 million are found worldwide. 80 to 120 are found in two isolated populations in southeast Texas.

In captivity, ocelots can live 20 years while in the wild they live seven to ten years.

Once ranging as far east as Arkansas and Louisiana, throughout Texas, Mexico, ocelots are currently found in extreme southern Texas and northeastern Mexico. They are also found in every country south of the United States except Chile.

Good Evening Ladies and Gents, Anrol, Steve, Buters our distinguished judge, COO and Trainers of CWS! A very warm welcome to our MEEEOW theme. PuURRRS!

For today's styling event I chose to be a Ocelot, what is a Ocelot you may ask, well here are a few facts and info about them....

Ocelots range in color from light yellow to reddish gray, with dark spots and stripes. They have dark stripes on their cheeks and their tailed have rings of dark fur.

Ocelots are 20 to 40 inches long. Their tails are an additional ten to 15 inches. Ocelots weigh between 20 and 25 pounds.

An estimated 800,000 to 1.5 million are found worldwide. 80 to 120 are found in two isolated populations in southeast Texas.

In captivity, ocelots can live 20 years while in the wild they live seven to ten years.

Once ranging as far east as Arkansas and Louisiana, throughout Texas, Mexico, ocelots are currently found in extreme southern Texas and northeastern Mexico. They are also found in every country south of the United States except Chile.

HABITAT:  Good Evening Ladies and Gents, Anrol, Steve, Buters our distinguished judge, COO and Trainers of CWS! A very warm welcome to our MEEEOW theme. PuURRRS!

For today's styling event I chose to be a Ocelot, what is a Ocelot you may ask, well here are a few facts and info about them....

Ocelots range in color from light yellow to reddish gray, with dark spots and stripes. They have dark stripes on their cheeks and their tailed have rings of dark fur.

Ocelots are 20 to 40 inches long. Their tails are an additional ten to 15 inches. Ocelots weigh between 20 and 25 pounds.

An estimated 800,000 to 1.5 million are found worldwide. 80 to 120 are found in two isolated populations in southeast Texas.

In captivity, ocelots can live 20 years while in the wild they live seven to ten years.

Once ranging as far east as Arkansas and Louisiana, throughout Texas, Mexico, ocelots are currently found in extreme southern Texas and northeastern Mexico. They are also found in every country south of the United States except Chile.

Ocelots live in a variety of habitats, ranging from mangrove forests, coastal marshes, savannah grasslands, pastures, thorn scrub and tropical forests. All of these habitats provide only live in areas with dense vegetative cover.

Ocelots are carnivores, they hunt and eat animals such as rodents, rabbits, young deer, birds, snakes and fish.

Ocelots are strongly nocturnal, resting in trees or dense brush during the day. Ocelots are very active, traveling from one to five miles per night. Males usually travel further than females. They capture an average of one prey item for every 3.1 hours of travel.


Following a 79 to 85 day gestation, young are born in litters of one to three. Kittens are independent after about one year, but may stay with their mother for an additional year.


Habitat destruction for agriculture, hunting for their fur, pet trade.

But Vicky Yongbo is no normal Ocelot, oh no! For she is a BAD ASS Ocelot and wears a gun in a holster on her hip, used to shoot back at the hunters that are attacking for her fur, she protects her habitat and family and will do what it takes to stop Ocelots from becoming more endangered! Her Studded leather jacket and piercings on her ears, nose, and face make her look more fierce, a loose fitting belt equip with ropes and things she needs in her attack, are hung around her waist so as not to restrict her feline movements as she dodges, avoids and even hunts her prey!

I am Kinsey Luv and would like to extend a good day to everyone. Thank you for joining me and this great group for the Creative Meow Styling event. Thanks to today’s judge and of course Anrol, Steve and all the instructors here at CWS for their hard work and support.

When you say the word “Meow” the first thing that comes to mind is what animal makes that noise…CATS!! But why do cats meow?
A meow is a sound used by cats to signal a request to their mother or owner. Adult cats do not normally meow to each other, and so the meowing to human beings that domesticated cats exhibit is likely partly an extension of the use by kittens of this plaintive signal.

I don’t know about you all, but my cat meows at me A LOT, so I guess that would make her pretty bossy *winks*.

Have a MEOWY good day!!

Shalenda Littlebird: Good afternoon, and thank you for joining everyone here for the "Meow" styling event. This was just too purr-fect an opportunity to pass up, so without fur-ther ado, allow me to present "Fine To Be Feline".

Few features are as striking upon a cat as their eyes, and fewer colors are as stunning staring through the night at you as a scintillating, brilliant green. It is this that inspired my entire outfit for today, based upon a pair of neko eyes I created myself, "Cat's Meow" in Ghostly Green. The only things not of my own creation this time were the and full body tattoos. All else was created by me, from the "Victoria" skin and shape (special edition for this event), the eyes, right down to the glittery pawprint bikini top, the micro-shorts, pawprint pendant, tail, pawboots and paws.

Now, it's off to find a sunny windowsill and a bowl of cream with my name on it... meow!

Friday, 8 July 2011

I am so proud to be a part of this awesome place, CWS has taught me so much, and I have met some lovely people along the way. Long may I continue my journey with CWS!