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Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Hi everyone, I thought i`d just do a small Blog on my experiences so far as a Trainer at CWS.  I am going into my third month now, and can say hand on heart, I am enjoying this new role, immensely. I am doing what I do best, which is helping people. The students have been totally amazing, embracing all there is in this new experience, asking questions and absorbing every aspect of CWS model training.   We are always looking for new students so if you feel you have what it takes, or want to learn so much more about SL and the tools and menu`s, then please do contact me, I would love to help you get started:).  Come along to our many styling events or weekly fashion shows, who knows you could be in our next you tube video. Fashion shows are EVERY Saturday at 3pm slt and styling shows are as follows  Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Fridays 5pm slt and Thursdays 12pm. Come along, watch and have fun and then if you feel you want to be up there with SIMPLY THE BEST in SL, drop me an IM and i`ll surely help in any way possible. Well sweeties that is all for now, ty for checking out my blog and see you on the runway I hope. Muuuah xox

Vicky (Executive Trainer)

Friday, 19 August 2011


OOOHH Today we had a photoshoot for the UCWS blog and decided to take my own and upload it here.   This months has gone so fast, I have been so busy stepping into my breach as a trainer and  I can tell you I am loving every minute of it. I must admit I do miss the stylings, but i`m helping so many ladies achieve  their dreams, so that makes me happy and proud.  Today is styling mid terms..I am looking forward to that, does`nt feel like a month ago the July students where in this position. Everyone has been so kind to me as the "newest" trainer and although we cannot please everyone, for the most part all is well. So thats all from me and do drop by often or why not become a follower or even come join me over at CWS as a student, they are and will always remain the BEST on the grid!

Monday, 1 August 2011


This was to be my last pageant before I took up my post as Executive Trainer.....and I must say I was extremely pleased with my result.  The competition was as fierce as it gets, I was up against the likes of the lovely Pinktikicat Luv, Nickle Sparrowtree, Sunrae Suntzu, to name  but a few. 

 But I went out there and gave it my best shot.  Debbie Jasper was awesome and she is want to watch out for in the coming months here at CWS, she won Best Creative, I spoke to her backstage and she said she was nervous, well if she was it sure did`nt show. She was amazing!  

 The 31st July was also my real life birthday (yes 21 again!) so this made it extra special also, i`d been teased all day by Anrol and usual lol, good job  I got broad shoulders hehehehe!  And my question in the creative section.....I got to give it to Anrol she chooses some fabulous questions for me, loved it.... though I still refuse to give Sex Education classes....not sure it fits in with my job description" Executive Trainer..".laughs.  

 Anyway back to the results....Pink won Most photgenic, and deservedly so, her pics where phenominal.  Then it was down to the nitty gritty....the winners.....WOW....everyone was waiting nrevously... 7th Runner up- Sheilarose Aiten, her first pageant and she should be proud of what she did....6th Runner up Clys Dragoone, one of my fellow March class...great job Clysa. 5th runner up June did she was getting tense by this time....honestly could not call this one as veryone just totally shone.  
  So here we are 4th runner up Kiralyn Destiny, I had spoken to Kira pre- pageant, aww she is a sweety, a lovely lady and she looked totally wonderful.  Now to our 3rd runner up...well this was joint 3rd and went to the lovely Debbie Jasper and Pinktikicat Luv, by this time I was in total shock, I so thought Pink was fabulous, she just blows me away every pageant.  

Nail biting stuff ....its down to the last 3, who could call this one...this was gonna be a close contest, 2nd runner up was the ever lovely, funny, witty , talented Sunrae Suntzu, fab in all aspects well done hunny! 

 Its was down to myself and had I come this far with such amazing talent and wonderful models....but I had and as though fireworks went off I was so praying that Nickle would at last win a Crown, boy she has tried so hard, was this her moment in the spotlight?
I`d won the last pageant and although I would have loved to win another one on my last ever  pageant  at CWS, it really did not matter:) I was here in the top 2, and the the name came was the lovely NICKLE.

I was so genuinely pleased for her. Well done Nickle, a Crown at last hunny bunny! ...So there you have it I was runner up and immensely pleased with the result.

 Thank you to all that have inspired me, I now start a new journey in CWS as an Executive Trainer and will embrace with the same dedication and comittment I do any job or task.  I love everyone in CWS, you are like family, thank you for making my 21st birthday so extra speical( ok add some more years on) lol...hugs and pop back soon! xoxoox

Monday, 18 July 2011


OMG, what a laugh! What a great night/early morning! But boy am I suffering now. It was 3am when i finally got to bed, so glad Ajay won he deserved it, well done Ajay. Meimei was a close second and Kinsey in third. I think more of the sepctators got agitated than the people taking part, it was funny hearing them, all we wanted was the finish line and someone to win, it went on for hours! But its all over and Ajay has his crown and fair play to him, he answered well.  Well done to all those who took part, the models in CWS support each other so well and I love that about each and every one of you. I did learn a few things last night, my knowledge of US history sucks, and that i`ll stick to strutting my stuff on the runway chuckles! Muaah to you all! And keep popping back to my blog:).

Saturday, 9 July 2011


Good Evening Ladies and Gents, Anrol, Steve, Buters our distinguished judge, COO and Trainers of CWS! A very warm welcome to our MEEEOW theme. PuURRRS!

For today's styling event I chose to be a Ocelot, what is a Ocelot you may ask, well here are a few facts and info about them....

Ocelots range in color from light yellow to reddish gray, with dark spots and stripes. They have dark stripes on their cheeks and their tailed have rings of dark fur.

Ocelots are 20 to 40 inches long. Their tails are an additional ten to 15 inches. Ocelots weigh between 20 and 25 pounds.

An estimated 800,000 to 1.5 million are found worldwide. 80 to 120 are found in two isolated populations in southeast Texas.

In captivity, ocelots can live 20 years while in the wild they live seven to ten years.

Once ranging as far east as Arkansas and Louisiana, throughout Texas, Mexico, ocelots are currently found in extreme southern Texas and northeastern Mexico. They are also found in every country south of the United States except Chile.

Good Evening Ladies and Gents, Anrol, Steve, Buters our distinguished judge, COO and Trainers of CWS! A very warm welcome to our MEEEOW theme. PuURRRS!

For today's styling event I chose to be a Ocelot, what is a Ocelot you may ask, well here are a few facts and info about them....

Ocelots range in color from light yellow to reddish gray, with dark spots and stripes. They have dark stripes on their cheeks and their tailed have rings of dark fur.

Ocelots are 20 to 40 inches long. Their tails are an additional ten to 15 inches. Ocelots weigh between 20 and 25 pounds.

An estimated 800,000 to 1.5 million are found worldwide. 80 to 120 are found in two isolated populations in southeast Texas.

In captivity, ocelots can live 20 years while in the wild they live seven to ten years.

Once ranging as far east as Arkansas and Louisiana, throughout Texas, Mexico, ocelots are currently found in extreme southern Texas and northeastern Mexico. They are also found in every country south of the United States except Chile.

HABITAT:  Good Evening Ladies and Gents, Anrol, Steve, Buters our distinguished judge, COO and Trainers of CWS! A very warm welcome to our MEEEOW theme. PuURRRS!

For today's styling event I chose to be a Ocelot, what is a Ocelot you may ask, well here are a few facts and info about them....

Ocelots range in color from light yellow to reddish gray, with dark spots and stripes. They have dark stripes on their cheeks and their tailed have rings of dark fur.

Ocelots are 20 to 40 inches long. Their tails are an additional ten to 15 inches. Ocelots weigh between 20 and 25 pounds.

An estimated 800,000 to 1.5 million are found worldwide. 80 to 120 are found in two isolated populations in southeast Texas.

In captivity, ocelots can live 20 years while in the wild they live seven to ten years.

Once ranging as far east as Arkansas and Louisiana, throughout Texas, Mexico, ocelots are currently found in extreme southern Texas and northeastern Mexico. They are also found in every country south of the United States except Chile.

Ocelots live in a variety of habitats, ranging from mangrove forests, coastal marshes, savannah grasslands, pastures, thorn scrub and tropical forests. All of these habitats provide only live in areas with dense vegetative cover.

Ocelots are carnivores, they hunt and eat animals such as rodents, rabbits, young deer, birds, snakes and fish.

Ocelots are strongly nocturnal, resting in trees or dense brush during the day. Ocelots are very active, traveling from one to five miles per night. Males usually travel further than females. They capture an average of one prey item for every 3.1 hours of travel.


Following a 79 to 85 day gestation, young are born in litters of one to three. Kittens are independent after about one year, but may stay with their mother for an additional year.


Habitat destruction for agriculture, hunting for their fur, pet trade.

But Vicky Yongbo is no normal Ocelot, oh no! For she is a BAD ASS Ocelot and wears a gun in a holster on her hip, used to shoot back at the hunters that are attacking for her fur, she protects her habitat and family and will do what it takes to stop Ocelots from becoming more endangered! Her Studded leather jacket and piercings on her ears, nose, and face make her look more fierce, a loose fitting belt equip with ropes and things she needs in her attack, are hung around her waist so as not to restrict her feline movements as she dodges, avoids and even hunts her prey!

I am Kinsey Luv and would like to extend a good day to everyone. Thank you for joining me and this great group for the Creative Meow Styling event. Thanks to today’s judge and of course Anrol, Steve and all the instructors here at CWS for their hard work and support.

When you say the word “Meow” the first thing that comes to mind is what animal makes that noise…CATS!! But why do cats meow?
A meow is a sound used by cats to signal a request to their mother or owner. Adult cats do not normally meow to each other, and so the meowing to human beings that domesticated cats exhibit is likely partly an extension of the use by kittens of this plaintive signal.

I don’t know about you all, but my cat meows at me A LOT, so I guess that would make her pretty bossy *winks*.

Have a MEOWY good day!!

Shalenda Littlebird: Good afternoon, and thank you for joining everyone here for the "Meow" styling event. This was just too purr-fect an opportunity to pass up, so without fur-ther ado, allow me to present "Fine To Be Feline".

Few features are as striking upon a cat as their eyes, and fewer colors are as stunning staring through the night at you as a scintillating, brilliant green. It is this that inspired my entire outfit for today, based upon a pair of neko eyes I created myself, "Cat's Meow" in Ghostly Green. The only things not of my own creation this time were the and full body tattoos. All else was created by me, from the "Victoria" skin and shape (special edition for this event), the eyes, right down to the glittery pawprint bikini top, the micro-shorts, pawprint pendant, tail, pawboots and paws.

Now, it's off to find a sunny windowsill and a bowl of cream with my name on it... meow!

Friday, 8 July 2011

I am so proud to be a part of this awesome place, CWS has taught me so much, and I have met some lovely people along the way. Long may I continue my journey with CWS!

Thursday, 30 June 2011


Hello to everyone reading this. WOW....someone pinch me! My first ever pageant win with  "SIMPLY THE BEST" Classic With Style! Was it worth the  weeks, months even,  of preparation??? Was it worth staying up until 4.30am??? Was it worth the agony of which dress shall i go with?.......HELL YESSSSS!
  This is my second pageant with CWS, and I can honestly say, I have learned  something from both pageants. Its not about the winning, its about the challenge of many different things, from finding the perfect outfits, to styling it with the right makeups,shoes, hair, jewelery, to coming up with that something special.   Of course to win is a fantastic achievement, I mean who does`nt want to win.  But you know the one thing that sticks in my mind most of all, is just the sheer talent that CWS has within its agency.  How fantastic everyone is, the support from the other models,and the style and charisma that walks those runways week after week. I am truly humbled and blessed to be a part of all this, it makes me shine with pride when I tell a person I model with CWS, and what a fantastic place it is, to be connected and associated with.  You all totally rock models, each and every one of you, from Elite models to students, we all add that something in our own special way and contribute to making CWS what it is today, so everyone give yourselves a pat on the back.

Now for my thank you`s, GOSH! Where do I start, well let me start with the two most important people in this corporation, Anrol and Steve, your dedication, commitment, time, effort, numerous hours of work that you put into your business definitely paid off, you and your team have molded each and every model into something special, regardless of background and creed, you have given none believers in themselves, the belief  that they can achieve their dreams.
  To Taby emcee and trainer, you do a totally amazing job, ty lovely lady for all that you put into these pageants, you are an asset to CWS.  Laylah and lisana,  Lay your  humor cracks me up, such a delight and joy to know, keep being you and keep it real girl, you rock muaaah!  lisana lovely lady, has helped so much on the runways, its true what she says, practice most certainly pays off, so keep practicing ladies and gents!   Nina, OMG she is such a sweetheart, everyone should have a Nina in sl, loving, kind , helpful, generous and a great friend, ty Nina, I have listened to your advice and took on board everything, I cannot begin to thank you enough! Hugsss.    Debbiepoo....yes not a typo DEBBIEPOO is right, you are the heart of CWS, like a mother hen,  you are vibrant, passionate, funny (well sometimes) and a breath of fresh air, I thank you most, because you are the one that got me here, I remember way back in January you and I chatting and showing me the walks on the styling runway, you talked sense for once....giggles....I think that day you may have been off the Gin!  Just keep being you Debs, and I hope one day I can follow in your footsteps and  maybe give something back to CWS. muaaaaah! xo A huge massive thanks to Sadie my photographer, you so rock girly muaaah hugs!  to Jinxie, she is my bestie, helps me immensely and me her, so glad you and I met.  That thing called  RL has grabbed her back recently, but she`ll be back, I miss you girly!  Muaaaaaah!
Now that brings me to the most important man in my life, my Zeke, ty for standing by my side, for being my constant, my joy in everything I do, you are what keeps me going darling, i`m truly blessed to have such a wonderful. adoring man in my life! Muahhhh xoxo

My last words are to the models and students out there, keep achieving those goals, keep being who you are and ROCK THE RUNWAY!  Students if I can help you in any way possible, be it a practice on the runway, just IM me, I am more than willing to help anyone achieve their dreams and aspirations!  A mighty big hug to everyone and a big SMOOOOCHEROOOOSKIE!!!

Big Cuddles!
I love you all
Vicky xx

Tuesday, 7 June 2011


Yes Sunday was the finale HWOF, and what a fabulous time I had! Although going to bes at 4.30am in the morning I could of well done without!  The competition was fierce and the judges had a tough job. I was place 4th runner up and was crowned MOST CREATIVE, something I am proud of. To me everyone was a winner and I enjoyed it thoroughly. If I never enter a pageant again, it matters not, I had a great experience and savored every minute, I want to thank all the people that supported me and special thanks to my bestie JINXY, she is a truly remarkable friend, loves ya Jinx.  Please enjoy the pics and keep checking back to see new posts. Hugs to all and enjoy!!!!!!!

Saturday, 4 June 2011


Only 24 hours to my first pageant at CWS, woohooo! Am I looking forward to this. No nerves as of yet, its more about having fun and expressing myself than anything, so don`t think i`ll be nervous at all.  Today we have the group pic, will be so nice to see what everyone is wearing. Some great models taking part so the competition is tough!:) Suprising how much hard work goes into this pre-pageant, like finding the right hair and dress and shoes, I never realised how difficult it was, i`ll be sure to respect every model who takes part in any pageant in the future.  Well lovelies, if you want to come cheer me along or even just come watch then you are welcome to do so.  Sunday June 5th 2011 at the CWS finale runway! Hope to see you there:). hugss and muaaaahs xoxox

Wednesday, 1 June 2011


Well there are only a few days left to the finals of the HWOF at CWS, I am so looking forward to the challenge that lies ahead and will savor every ounce of the pageant.  I`m sure it is going to be one tough contest, but i`m gonna give it my best shot. I have been preparing for weeks now, making sure everything is spot on, from poses, to hair to jewelery. Typing up my NC so that it reads well, all that has been sent in now, so its the pageant itself that is left. Please do come support me on Sunday June 5th 3pm slt and come see the amazing models of CWS, its sure to be a night to remember. Thanks to everyone that has helped me, special thanks have to go to my hubby Zeke, gosh! he must be sick of hearing me. you are my rock and without you this pageant would be a million times harder, thanks hunny bunny, me loves you!

Friday, 27 May 2011

Japanese Theme styling event!

Yes another win under my belt, for the Japanese theme, but you know the winning matters not to me.I  simply adore the challenge of coming up with the most bizarre outfits ever.  I constantly try to think outside of the box and be utterly WHACKY! The styling competitions are hard, we have some wonderful creative talent within CWS, I am proud to be a part of this family. I embrace every ounce of what I do.  I am a finalist in my first pageant, HWOF, and OMG have I changed outfits sooo many times, totally unable to decide, do i go with this, do i go with that. Well its too late now, cannot change my mind again, my photographer has taken the pics and I`m ready to learn from my next experience in CWS, and the modeling world. If I win, well thats a bonus, if  I don`t no biggie:).  Well thats all for now my lovely friends, i`m going to make an effort to blog more, ohh and do come watch our Fashion Show, 3pm slt Saturday 28th May 2011, in the dome, some sexy lingerie been show cased, so ladies get down there, bring your guys and thier Credit Cards of course, giggles, hugss and byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Ghetto styling theme!

It was another tough theme, and the competition fierce, I really pushed the boundaries on this one, I have to say this has been the hardest styling I ever had to do. I most certainly had to think hard and long and give it my all. All my hard work paid off when our judge Anrol decided it was me the winner, I was like OMG WOW!. Anyway to everyone out there thinking of attending styling, my advice is GO FOR IT! I have had so much fun doing these, and the other models are absolutely fabulous, they so make you feel welcome. Well done to everyone at tonights styling, you were all amazing!

Thursday, 7 April 2011


It was styling theme again at CWS and I gave it everything I had, I so love butterflies and rocked the runway in a very very Beautiful dress. Here are all the winners and their descriptions, we all rocked and it was a very hard one to judge, there were some very creative stylings out there.

1st PLACE -Vicky Yongbo
Good evening everyone, Nina our wonderful  judge, Anrol, Steve, Trainers , and welcome to our Magical Butterfly Theme.

What a wonderful Theme to be able to style, and what beautiful creatures butterflies are, with their vibrant colours.
 For certain the focal point of my look is this delightful dress, with open lillies inviting the butterflies to come perch on them.  It is truly a myriad of layers and textures that moves exquisitely with me as I  float graciously along the runway.
  Low neck line ascentuating my breastline with more exquisite  lily detail.  Its a princess gown if ever their was one.  To compliment the look i have added  this quirky thorn head wreath with ornate roses, and butterflies that are inquistively flying around looking for forrage,  and added butterfly wings, in the hope I may float off into  a magical kingdom of surrealism.
  Pink shoes to add to the decadence of the look and simple yet stylish necklace and earrings, with bow detail mimicing a butterfly.   Butterfly emitters add to the overall charm of the look, pink lipstick and butterfly lashes to make my flutterby eyes stand out.  I feel like the Belle of the Ball in this treasure.

And as I fly as gentle as the butterfly, I`d like to recite a small poem.

Where are you going as you flutter-bye,
With your wonderful  colors, oh butterfly.
What can you taste, what can you see,
With your rugby shirt on, you big bumblebee,
Are you really happy, can you tell us a tale,
Slug with home, slow slippery snail.

Your always around, do you ever get lost,
Your annoying and scary you stinging bad wasp.
Why do you buzz, and fly at full throttle,
Your only a fly, you giant blue bottle.

Do you really eat soil, will you ever learn,
Slithery, slithery garden worm.
Why can you carry things heavy and giant,
Your only minute, you small little ant.
There all in our world, around us each day,
Crawling and flying, in there own special way,
We share this big place with every insect,
Living there lives, so show them respect.

    I am truly humbled to now call myself a CWS Elite Model and wish to thank everyone who helped me along on this sensational journey.
  To Anrol and Steve for allowing us to fulfil our dreams, to my fellow models and  trainers, but most of all to my adorable husband Zeke, who is my total inspiration, rock, guide and the most amazing man ever.

Love and huggles
Vicky xo
2nd:Lua Vendetta: Good evening! I'm Lua and welcome for todays Butterflies themed Event.

Butterflies are magical creatures for me, they have a special something in Nature, like little fairies. One Japanese superstition says that if a butterfly enters your guestroom and perches behind the bamboo screen, the person whom you most love is coming to see you. In Chinese culture two butterflies flying together are a symbol of love. In some old cultures, butterflies also symbolize rebirth into a new life after being inside a cocoon for a period of time. The Ancient Greek word for "butterfly" primarily means "soul", "mind".

To give life to these amazing insects in SL, I'm wearing this outstanding design from Solidea Folies, Butterfly Circle Dress, made with rings and gorgeous Butterflies flying around me. I added a Corset, thong and Bra from LoveCats is silver tones to match the wires of the dress.

3rd:Good Afternoon and welcome to this afternoon's styling event "Creative Butterfly" My name is Suki Rexen. 

Many of you may not know that the butterfly is the recovery symbol for Alanon a self help program for family and friends of alcoholics.  Alanon was started by the wife of the founder of AA, the first 12-step recovery program.  Since it's beginning, in 1935, it has helped more than one million men and women truly change their lives from one in hell to one of freedom.  The butterfly is an excellent symbol of transition, transformation, change, and rebirth. 

And, here at the CWS is where I transformed from a clumsy hopeful into a beautiful ...... Butterfly.

                                  .-~*´¨¯¨`*Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ(_BE THE BUTTERFLY_)Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*´¨¯¨`*·~-.¸

Sunday, 3 April 2011

CWS GRADUATION CEREMONY CLASS OF MARCH 2011 (touch slide for music)

Graduation Day was most certainly one to remember, I will remember this event for the rest of my life. Everyone was simply amazing, we strutted our stuff to a cheering crowd, MORALE was high the girls just went for it, so to speak, we so ROCKED the runway. I was the last model to walk the runway, and I was not nervous at all, I was excited and proud of my achievements. There were tears of joy and tears of laughter, Unee was AMAZING, I have total respect for this wonderful lady, she came through and was simply wonderful, Love you Unee, and may our friendship continue to grow:).

So the last person had walked out,  (me of course),done her thing, then it was time for the Prize giving, we all nervously waited and listened anxiously to Anrols speech, some luck lady was about to be given the award of VALEDECTORIAN, OMG who was it going to be, everyone in the class had shone in their own way, they all deserved this trophy. So as Anrol announced, and Valedectorian winner is...... Vicky Yongbo, OMG, that was me, and I truly mean this, in RL i was shaking, why me, I did nothing only be myself, I gracefully and humbly accepted the trophy and waffled on as I was in total shock. Then it was the BEST BLOG Trophy announcement, that went to the Lovely Jinxie, she`s been a trooper, juggling real life work with the classes, hardly time to BLOG, but made the effort to blog as much as she could, WTG Jinx and well done to eveyone, I have accepted the award on behalf of the "LUSH LADIES" class of CWS MARCH 2011. Love, hugs and kisses to everyone, and huge thanks to all the CWS trainers, Owners, pro models, you have been simply amazing.

Monday, 28 March 2011


Hope you like this, beacuse you HAVE got a FRIEND. Hugs and GL at the Finals, show Anrol what you made of girlies:).


Today was MIDS, no results as of yet, but everything seems to go well. We had a few tech issues and lag, but we overcame it. I was keeping MORALE high, boosting the girls confidence, if they made a mistake, get over it, move on its over with, get on with the next task. Show goes on ALWAYS! We all had matching gowns for the Elegance section, we looked fantastic, the ARC challenge on the Bikini I found hardest, BUT, nothing I could not handle. I am so going to miss this class, but hope we all keep in touch. You really are a great set of girls, and the team work and practise has most certainly payed off. Pat yourselves on the bacls ladies, you deserve it. It was an intense day, one hour after Mids we had the DANCE for the Mardi Gras Pageant, OMG we so rocked and the pageants were awesome, Well done to Pink, she won, and a worthy winner in my opinion. Everyones a winner, and its not just about winning, its the challenges and taking part, if you win, OK it`s a bonus,just enjoy! Coming in my next post is a slide show of all the March class, I dare you not to cry!:) Make sure to turn on sound and send me your comments i`d love some feedback. Hugs and smoochies xoxoxo

Saturday, 26 March 2011


Was the anticipation just too much? hehehehe! Congratz to the winners, you all rock, love you all, Muaaahs to everyone and see you on the runway some time!:)

Thnank you Laylah Lecker For Judging our Styling Leather

1st- Vicky Yongbo
2nd- Aislin Jinx
3rd- Uneeque Velinov

Winner: Vicky Yoshikawa (vicky.yongbo): Good evening CWS Trainers and CEO`s, the wonderful judge, first of all I would like to give a little tribute to each of the trainers, as we are being graded for our Mid terms, which take place tomorrow:). Today was our last class, so wanted to say a few thank you`s:)

Laylah, an absolute sweety and such a jovial young lady, you have been patient and helped us all immensely with the blogs, this I thank you very much for, blogging has become so much more enjoyable.

Vero. your knowledge totally and utterly astounds me, everything you ever taught us was precise and so easy to follow, every lesson I came away learning something, that in itself is awesome, ty Vero.

Lisana, patient and lovely, and man does she know the poses and walks, thanks for always answering my questions lisana, I know I can be a pain, but I just wanted to get it right:).

Taby, I have not had the pleasure of getting to know you yet, but I am sure in the months to come I will.

Now last but by no means least, Debbie, if this was RL and I was giving a speech, I would be choked up and fighting back the tears. Debbie was the very first person I spoke to about becoming a model, some two months ago, and I could not commit at the time, but stayed in contact with Debbie until I could. When I take on a task I like to see it through to the end and put it no less than 100% to all I do. Debbie has been a total inspiration to me, she is an absolute joy to know, a breath of fresh air.

To you my friend I give the biggest thank you of all. Your patience and kindness touched my heart Debbie, you only have one down side, thats being a Southerner (bless you). Joking of course, I am sure I have a friend in you for all my SL life, and want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to "ROCK THE RUNWAY".

Hugs and love to you all and don`t anyone of you, ever change.

Anrol and Steve, you have created such a wonderful place here in SL and should be proud of all of your hard work and efforts, I see nothing but total respect for you people here at CWS, and look forward to becoming the best model I can be and who knows maybe one day something more:) Thank you for all the time and effort you put into each and every student, hugs and I wish you many more years of success.

OK and now with that out of the way, i`ll compose myself and get on with the task in hand.....

Leather theme for me was a challenge, I rummaged my inventory and could not find anything suitable as a full outfit, So this evening I have mixed and matched various designers clothing, to come up with a more Unique look.

I wanted the biker image, so chose the open style leather bomber with bra top, the jacket has so much detailing with the zips and buckles, the arms could be removed for an open Gillet style jacket, fo a different look.
I chose to add Tattoos for a real biker babe feel.
Bandana and long curly hair compliment the look. Leather jeans with skull and cross bones accents, a pink studded belt to match the jacket, left open for a rugged look.
To finish off Leather buckled boots, with heel, studded detailing to match and compliment the belt.
This is a real Biker look and all i`m missing is my motorcycle, trust me if i could rezz here I would ride off into the sunset with my Easy Rider. Of course I would come back for the fashion shows and to graduate hehehehe.


HAIR-Beautiful Dirty Rich, black

TATTOOS- sparkling stars from Wicked Tattoos

JACKET - Dela, Bebe tearose

EYES By Starla Farella

MAKE UP- Jade Lips , rose petal

BRA- UK couture



EARINGS- Simple looped by Jenni Eros.

Again thank you to everyone for helping me achieve my dream. Lastly special thanks to the wonderful friendships I have formed with my fellow students, I am humbled to know every one of you, and although we have graduated(hopefully) lets always be there for each other, as we have done, this past month, I love you all...Muaaaahhhs.xo

2nd: Jinx (aislin.jinx): Good evening, everyone, and thank you for coming to tonight's styling event. Creative leather...hmmm...I don't know about creative, but I sure can rock the leather!
Styling Credits-

Pants and corset- A&C Designs
Belt- Legal Insanity
Shoes- SLink
Hair- Truth Joey
Bracelets- Punk Kitty
Necklace- Femke Wilder
Earrings- Beauty Code
Facial Jewelry- Cringe
Skin- YS&YS Barbara Summer
Facial Tattoo- Deviance Clawed

Thank you, everyone, for coming tonight. Thank you to Anrol and Steve for giving us a place to strut our stuff. Thank you to the Judge, who has the worst end of the stick here. Thank you to SD Damiano for fufilling a SL dream. Thanks to my friends! And good luck to my gellow students. We are gonna rock it this weekend!!

<3 Jinxie
By day, I am pretty conservative: sometimes going edgy, but usually I stay pretty straight-laced. But at night I get my rock on! Out comes my leather corset top that hugs my curves in all the right places. The buckles on my stomach let me tighten and loosen depending on how hard I want to dance. My black leather pants are laced right up the front and back in a sexy and provacative way so you've got hot coming and going! Check out my studded leather earrings! I know right! And for that pop of color...come on you knew there would be color, I am a model, for Pete's sake. I am wearing my pink and purple triple DJ Belt. For whenever I feel like raiding the DJ booth! Topping off the outfit are my pretty peep toe stilletos. I have to have a bit of femininity about me. Rock on!

3rd: Uneeque Velinov: hello All my class mates,
all my instructers
judges, most of all Steve 101, Anrol, they have given me the chance to have came this far
thank you all so much
as you know i am Uneeque Velinov
proud to stand here in front of all of you, i am truely honored

i am wearing:: Vamps and Tramps -Gothic Cross Set

Hair--[Uw.7R] NiKi-hair
eyes--[ENDEAVOR] Shiny eyes 3 Frosty Blue
skin-- Belleza - Jesse Sunkiss 4 -2
shape-- Uneeque-- My Own

Please if you need a wedding gown --Uneeque's Wedding Gown is in all
the CWS Fashion Mall... check it out there are 3 to choose from
thank you Uneeque, have a wonderful day


OMG I cannot believe a whole month has gone by, its been one hell of an experience, I have learned so many little tips and tricks its amazing.  Laylah did a review of Inventory and ARC (the dreaded ARC, I`m becoming a total ARC maniac, looking around SL at the reading of some people and I`m like, to my self of course, you`re ARC is wayyyy too high) Am i sad or what? Laughs! We were shown the Graduation Sequence and had a quick run through, tomorrow (SUNDAY) is our MIDS and also we are dancing at the Mardis Gras pageant, so come along and support us, its going to be FUN FUN FUN! Tonight we were graded for Mid terms on Styling, it was aso BEAT THE PRO, and 3 students came in 1st, 2nd and 3rd, does that tell you how well we did at the University?  WOW, look for the next blog and you`ll see the three winners in my slide show. Well UCWS, i`m going to so miss being a part of class, I have a thirst for knowledge, and I have taken so much away from this experience, girls if you are in a dilemma on should I should`nt I?, my advice is ...go for it! But be warned, its no walk in the park, you have to work to achieve your goals and potential, nothing is handed to you on a silver platter. Make sure you can commit, try not to miss a class, I can proudly say I have`nt missed a single one, BUT, remember RL first, just try to plan around it for ONE month, then once you graduate, things will get easier.  I hope this helps, and look forward to seeing you on the runway, CWS SIMPLY THE BEST!

Friday, 25 March 2011

CWS CLASS Thursday 24th March

=====Third Semester=====
Your almost graduating so Please Attention
REMINDER:  2 classes today
=Thursday  March 24th
Time: 8:00 am/slt by Debbie Tigerfish
Time:  3:00 pm/slt By  Lisana Rosen
➤ Practice them to do the Dome Formation . Tell them to wear Mini Skirt  for this and they will all have to practice and perfected the formation.  Get them ready for styling tonight at 5pm. Creative Tattoo
➤Practice them the styling formation to get ready for midterm tomorrow night
➤ Do not let them go until they get this formation to their head
Remind all students to be at the styling contest tomorrow.  Part of their midterm

I showed up in my mini all prepared, we had a little chat in class then over to the DOME for more practise, it went very well,we did the BIO, to finish off, and Debbie was awesome as usual.  We asked todo another run through of the BEACH to make sure we were ready, OMG we have done amazingly well, girls the practise pays off, i`m glad I was the one asking people to come practise all the time, I hope I have contributed and helped in some way. 

This has been one awesome TEAM to work with, and i add TEAM is the correct word, if you do not join together, then its very very difficult, I made sure we all conneected from the start, after all it is for eveyones Benefit, not just my own.  We have something special planned for Mids on the Formals theme, something I worked on and helped the girls with.

 You know, what the hell am I going to do for the next months?? OMG this month has been so full on, i`ll be bored silly, I need another challenge. lolol. Well lovelies, only one more blog as a Student , then I`ll blog MIDTERMS, and the FINALS, and thats me done.  But do keep checking in, I intend to keep blogging for CWS on the big events and adding in my ever so popular slide shows(with music of course) heheheh. So smooooocheroooskie, a real tight tight hug and a wave bye by for now.xoxoxox

CWS Wednesday 23rd March class.

=====Third Semester=====
REMINDER:  2 classes today
=Wednesday   March 23rd , 2011
Time: 8:00 am/slt by  DebbieDoo Tigerfish
Time:  3:00 pm/slt By  Lisana Rossen
➤Tell your students to wear less than 250 ARC
➤Bring them to the Class beach stage to do the beach
➤Do practice them to do styling and tell them they will attend the midterm for Friday at 5:00 pm on Styling for that day. Creative Tattoo. It is mandatory for them to show up for this day.
➤Midterm for them on Styling and they must attend and get ready for Friday Styling.

Mid terms are fast approaching, and are we ready?, I`d say HELL YES!  It was another ARC challenge, this time 250 for casual look, again I was prepapred, I`d done this 2 weeks ago as I knew we had this challenge coming up. We then went to the beach and practised with Debbiedoo, she gave us lots of helpful little tips on how to be prepared with our outfits ready for a fast change, how well it works, I tried it a few times after class and i`m changed within seconds, so ty Deb for`re a sweetheart.

She informed us about the Mid terms Styling event, we have to do a Leather theme, thats a challenge, not much leather in my inventory, but i`m pretty confident with the look I have achieved, I was more creative, mixing and matching a few designers outfits and coming up with my own. So thats all for now folks, My next blog will be a little sad, it is our last class with Debbie, she is one total inspiration to me and feel she has brought me on the most in the classes, I owe her a massive THANK YOU, even though she`s a southerner, laughs (just kidding) she is an absolute treasure:). Hugs and a smoooocherooooskie. xoxoxoxoxox

Tuesday 22nd March Class

=====Third Semester=====
REMINDER:  2 classes today
=Tuesday  March 22nd, 2011
Time: 8:00 am/slt by  DebbieDoo Tigerfish
Time:  3:00 pm/slt By  Lisana Rossen
➤Tell your students to wear less than 700 ARC and wear elegance clothes.
➤Bring them to the dome stage to do the  formation
➤Make sure they are wearing jewelries and nice gown for this, that way they will learn how to wear low arc
➤Do not let them go until they get good on this.

Today was the ARC challenge of 700 Elegance, I was very well prepared for this, a few of us girls had got together earlier in the week and made sure we hit the  ARC target. After reaching the ARC we then proceeded to the DOME runway and had a great practise with lisana, I asked a few questions as usual, I like to make sure I know what I`m doing, no less than perfect is good enough for me...hehehehe. Seems every lesson I come away learning a little something, how great is that, and what does this tell you? I know, CWS really do have their acts together, and their knowledge knows no bounds. Well, peeps thats all from me, see you soon, huggggs and Muaaaaahs xoxoxox

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

CWS, Sunday 20th March Training session.

=====Second Semester=====
 REMINDER STUDENTS:  You have a class today make sure to attend the schedule below either in the morning or afternoon.
REMINDER:  2 classes today
=Sunday March 20th, 2011
Time: 11:00 am/slt by VeronicaLynn Parx
Time:  6:00 pm/slt By VeronicaLynn Parx
➤You will teach them the Finale formation as if they are competing in our finale.
➤Review each students homework from last week
➤Check all students bio homework
➤How to be creative on our finale
➤You will teach each Students the basic Photography
Also class will cover what is required for photo shoots and how to get the most out of it.

=Tell them to take a picture using the techniques using basic photography and Make sure their bio will be ready next week for you to review.
Sundays class was mainly aimed at confidence on the runway and also poses, what is a good pose and what is`nt. Vero showed us poses to avoid etc, it was mainly class room work and note taking, Vero is knowledge astounds me and her advice is always good, ty Vero, I took a lot away from toadays class.  Next it was off to Finale runway, Vero showed us the runway sequence, we asked a few questions etc and then class was dismissed. Overall a great class, they girls are excited about Mid terms, and i`m happy to say we been working hard and are a great TEAM. So thats about all from me, hope to see you on the runway at CWS sometime, and if you are unsure ask some of the students. Hugs to all and a big smoooooch! Muuuuuuaaaahhhh!xoxoxo

Monday, 21 March 2011

Saturday`s Fashion Show at CWS. House of Europe.

House Of Europe Fashion Show was on the beach runway, and I love how its so fast and furious, two girls come out and  strut there stuff, and POW the next two are out, BAM and the next, it was one awesome show, and was great to watch as a student. The lag was pretty horrendous too, but we saw how the PRO`s coped with it, and I hopefully took something away from it. I was one of the dancers that was asked to be in the video for CWS magazine, I was wearing a long elegant Gold gown, with a long train, OMG it was to die for, I totally adore the dancing, such great fun, Unee and Cly were also picked, so it was nice to dance with my fellow students. OMG its all going so fast, and next week are MID TERMS, bring it on..... I am looking forward to the challenges we are to face  and will work at them with the drive, comittment and passion that I so readily possess.  So enjoy the slide show and hope it gives you some insight into the shows here at CWS. Hugs to everyone and a smoochie for you all....muaaah xoxox Turn on the music and enjoy the fashions of House Of Europe.

Saturday, 19 March 2011


Today was such a wonderful day in CWS University, we practised so much in the dome with Debbie, she is such a breath of fresh air and a total inspiration to me.  She reminds me so much of myself, always willling to give, and if anyone is struggling she patiently talks them through it. This has been one of the best days in CWS by far. We have Mid terms in a couple of weeks and we are working hard on something special.  The other students are fantastic, love them all, I think i`m the Mummy of the group, Unee I could pick her up put her in my pocket and take her home, she is such a sweetheart. Aislin and Sexy have become good friends of mine, Bella and Chelsee lovely girls, not to mention Cly a sweetie too, Hugs to you all ladies, and lets keep up the team work, The March class rawks! I enjoyed the class so much today, that I went to the later class too, lisana did the dome with us and then we did the beach formation, things are coming together for sure, and i`m sure with more practise we will be so ready for the Mid terms. Thats all from me for today folks, heres the whoppa of a smooocherooskie....muaaaaaaaaaaaaah!.

Friday, 18 March 2011


Yes it was another great styling event, OMG I sooo enjoy these styling contests, they are such great fun. The challenge of trying to find the best costume and poses , and to really WOW the judges with our creativeness is amazing. Judging must be one mean fate, the competition is fierce, the girls all look sensational, but it`s not just about the look, it`s the whole package and how you present yourself on the runway, all I can say is it is fabulous fun and if you get placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd , thats a bonus. Taking part is what matters and all the models are fantastic, we support each other...... CWS, SIMPLY THE BEST! Come join us one day and have a good laugh and meet some fantastic people, I know I did! Hugssss and here`s the Smooooocheroooskies....MUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Thursday, 17 March 2011


Sorry  I have not blogged for a few days folks, been rather busy with my SL business, but here goes, Saturday was practise with Debbie in the dome and Sunday we were in the classroom with Vero, she was teaching us Camera controls and gave us lots of notes and settings to try on our PC. We had homework to do, which is to write our Short Bio`s:). And apart from that all I have done is practise whenever I can and helped some of the girls that were struggling with their huddles poses.  Monday we got the day off, so I practised some more. This week has been perfecting our formations mainly, things are going pretty well and i`m enjoying what I`m doing, midterms are fast approaching and I feel i`m ready to face the challenges set.  If you are thinking of a modeling career in SL, I say go for it, I can honestly say I adore what I am doing. If you cannot listen or are afraid of hard work, then give it a miss. Check back tomorrow for my Styling event slide show, its a ST PATRICKS DAY EXTRAVAGANZA. Huggies and a smooocherooooskie. Love you all.

Sunday, 13 March 2011


Today was a great class, it was all runway work and we loved it:). Yesss the LAG monster joined us, but we just ignored him and got on with the task in hand. Bella, Chelsee, Aislin, Sexy, Uneeque, Nikkie and myself stayed behind and practised, practised . practised....I actually think we have a great team and we so help each other achieve the standards set by CWS. We all voiced so you get to know the person better, it was really great for morale and Debbiedoo thinks we all doing great. All I can say is, its all so down to the hard work of the trainers at CWS, they push us and give some really great advice and consturctive criticism as well as the dedication and the hunger to just get better from the girls.  If a girl is struggling we all pull together and help, TEAM WORK is key. Well thats all folks, keep dropping by to see how we getting on, hugs to all the other students, you`re all comes the smoooocherooooskie....muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! xo

Saturday, 12 March 2011



Hellooo me hearties, welcome back to my blogspot, shiver me timbers I WON the styling event, what a greaHt night. Aislin was runner up and looked amazing, the lovely AEON came 3rd and was fab. I so would not have wanted to judge this one, the competition was fierce. Everyone looked great, even the parrots! lol. LAG monster joined us too, what a nice guy he is....NOT. But we braved the lag and just went for it. Debbiedoo was judge and gave some great comments and feedback to all the girls, it helps us students a lot thanks Debs you aint so bad for a Southerner! Thats all for now folks, but be sure to look back in it comes...the smoooooocheroooooskie! Muaaaaaaaaaah!

Friday, 11 March 2011


This is a very long blog, so make sure you read all the way to the bottom, pics are attached too....hugsss!

I feel todays class went so well and it proves that practise pays off, so for anyone out there not practising, be it at your own peril, I can honestly say that you really do need too practise girls, its the only way to get better, and learn from your little mistakes. Lisana was our trainer and she was a joy hugs Lisana, you`re a lovely lady:). She even said we were "a pleasure for her to work with" we could not ask for a nicer comment than that, so thank you lisana, the feeling is reciprocated:) Below are the poses to use for DOME FORMATION.

These are the mandatory poses to get
SP_Look At Me_8 L$50


 9 - Bebo Runway -21 -L$70
10- Bebo Runway-22 -L$70
21 -21 -Behaviorbody-Runway-newgen-21 -L$90
7-7-BehaviorBody-Belt-7 -$60
8-8BehaviorBody-Belt-8 -L$60
3-3-BehaviorBody-Runway-newgen-3 - L$90
2-Bebo Runway -14-L$70
8 - Bebo -newmodel-44 - L$70
11 - 11 -Bebo-Gownposes=Center-L$60
24 -24-BehaviorBody-Runway-newgen-24 - L$90
9 - Bebo Runway -21 -L$70
10- Bebo Runway-22 -L$70
3-3-BehaviorBody-Runway-newgen-3 - L$90

 For Male Models Must get these poses:
 2 - Bebo-Male-20 L$40
4 - Bebo-Male-4 - L$40
6 - Bebo-Male-6 - $40
12 - Bebo-Male-12 - L$40
#14 - Bebo-Male-37 - L$40

And now how to number those poses for your huddles, its quite a tedious task, but it works well, if anyone want to check their Huddles against mine please feel free to IM me, Debbieddo and myself went through mine and its correct.

DOME FORMATION (#2)  Updated:  12/7/10

Model 2 call it #2
Stop 1
#2 A1 look at me Me_8
Stop 2
#2 B1  9 - Bebo Runway -21 -L$70
#2 B2 10- Bebo Runway-22 -L$70
#2 B3 21 -21 -Behaviorbody-Runway-newgen-21 -L$90
Stop 3
#2 C1 7-7-BehaviorBody-Belt-7 -$60
#2 C2 8-8BehaviorBody-Belt-8 -L$60
#2 C3 3-BehaviorBody-Runway-newgen-3 - L$90
Stop 4
#2 D1 2-Bebo Runway -14-L$70
#2 D2 8-Bebo-Runway-20-L$70
#2 D3 8 - Bebo -newmodel-44 - L$70
#2 D4 11 - 11 -Bebo-Gownposes=Center-L$60
#2 D5 24 -24-BehaviorBody-Runway-newgen-24 - L$90
Stop 5
#2 E1 9 - Bebo Runway -21 -L$70
#2 E2 10- Bebo Runway-22 -L$70
#2 E3 3-3-BehaviorBody-Runway-newgen-3 - L$90
Then Exit all the way on Stage #2 middle stage all the way upstairs

Model 1 and 3 call it #1

#1 A1 SP_Mysterious_5Pose
Stop 2
#1 B1 9 - Bebo Runway -21 -L$70
#1 B2 10- Bebo Runway-22 -L$70
#1 B3 21 -21 -Behaviorbody-Runway-newgen-21 -L$90
Stop 3
#1 C1 2-Bebo Runway -14-L$70
#1 c2 8-Bebo-Runway-20-L$70
#1 C3 8 - Bebo -newmodel-44 - L$70
#1 C4 11 - 11 -Bebo-Gownposes=Center-L$60
#1 C5 24 -24-BehaviorBody-Runway-newgen-24 - L$90
Stop 4
#1 D1 9 - Bebo Runway -21 -L$70
#1 D2  10- Bebo Runway-22 -L$70
#1 D 33-3-BehaviorBody-Runway-newgen-3 - L$90
Then Exit all the way on Stage #2 middle stage all the way

I hope all this helps you ladies:) Here is the formation and some pics for you to look at...have fun girls and remember....practise ,practise, practise....giggles

1,2 and 3 Entrance and
#2 entrance will be always be the Middle entrance:
1 and 3 Models will synchronize
To begin this formation the #2  model will come out  first ( from middle stair)
model #2  : 08WALKELEGANT
model #1 and #3 :  08WALKSEP2HIPS

When the #2 Model is on the  Center front dot stage, the 1 and 3 models will come out and do their formation.
#2 Model Formation:  Model 2 is located in the middle stage
➤➤➤➤➤➤First Step➤➤➤➤➤➤
➤➤1st Stop:  on Top of the Stair and do poses SP_Look At Me_8 (lm where to get the poses is below)

➤➤2nd Stop:  Go down and Stop on the 2nd white round Dot and do these poses:
9 - Bebo Runway -21 -L$70
10- Bebo Runway-22 -L$70
21 -21 -Behaviorbody-Runway-newgen-21 -L$90
Landmark to get these poses:

➤➤3rd Stop:  Go to your right hand side in the front stage and do these pose from behavior poses:
7-7-BehaviorBody-Belt-7 -$60
8-8BehaviorBody-Belt-8 -L$60
3-3-BehaviorBody-Runway-newgen-3 - L$90

➤➤4th Stop: Go to the front center Dot and Do these poses
2-Bebo Runway -14-L$70
8 - Bebo -newmodel-44 - L$70
11 - 11 -Bebo-Gownposes=Center-L$60
24 -24-BehaviorBody-Runway-newgen-24 - L$90

➤➤5th Stop: Go to left hand side ( next to front dot) and do these poses
9 - Bebo Runway -21 -L$70
10- Bebo Runway-22 -L$70
3-3-BehaviorBody-Runway-newgen-3 - L$90
Then Exit all the way on Stage #2 middle stage all the way upstairs
➤➤➤➤➤➤Stage 1 and  3 ➤➤➤➤➤➤
#1 and #3 Models will move together:  When they see the model #2 is on the center front stage they must get out and do this formation:

1 and 3 Models formation ( I will have Model#1 to be the driver for this always)

#1 and #3 Model Formation:  Model  #1  is located in the right hand side stage and Model #3 located in the left hand side the stage
➤➤1st Stop:  on Top of the Stairs #1 right hand side #3 Left hand side both will stop on top of the stairs 1 and 3 entrance and do this pose

➤➤2nd Stop:  Go down and Stop on the 2nd green dark round Dot and do these poses:
9 - Bebo Runway -21 -L$70
10- Bebo Runway-22 -L$70
21 -21 -Behaviorbody-Runway-newgen-21 -L$90
Landmark to get these poses:

#1 Model
➤➤3rd Stop:  Go to your right hand side in the front stage and do these pose from behavior poses:
2-Bebo Runway -14-L$70
8 - Bebo -newmodel-44 - L$70
11 - 11 -Bebo-Gownposes=Center-L$60
24 -24-BehaviorBody-Runway-newgen-24 - L$90

#3 Model
➤➤3rd Stop:  Go to your left  hand side in the front stage and do these pose from behavior poses:
2-Bebo Runway -14-L$70
8 - Bebo -newmodel-44 - L$70
11 - 11 -Bebo-Gownposes=Center-L$60
24 -24-BehaviorBody-Runway-newgen-24 - L$90

➤➤4th Stop: Both model #1 and #3 will go back from the behind you are now ( the 2nd Dot spot when u start the formation, then do these poses and exit all the way back up to the stage
9 - Bebo Runway -21 -L$70
10- Bebo Runway-22 -L$70
3-3-BehaviorBody-Runway-newgen-3 - L$90
Then Exit all the way on Stage #2 middle stage all the way upstairs

Biography Formation
Models must use their own walk and poses for this.  3 poses for each stop for this.

All Models will use the #2 stage (middle stage)
➤➤➤1st Stop: 2nd White round Dot ( do 3 poses)
➤➤➤2nd Stop: Middle Dot front center Stage ( Do 3 poses) then I will position you on stage after that.

Ending formation:

I will be announcing the last poses to use for this and I will assign to be a driver for this formation.
Then I will have the designers to come up stage and tell audience how we appreciate her to be in our show.
Then I will announce name to exit back up stage;

Ohhhh did I mention you need to PRACTISE? laughs.
Here are the pics of the dome formation

The person on runway 1 always drives 3 on their come the pics....

Well my loverlies, I really do hope this helps everyone a lot, and if anyone should need a helping hand then please please do ask me, always willing to do what I can.   Here comes the smooooocheroooooskie....muaaaahs! xox

Thursday, 10 March 2011



Thank you Diana Balhaus for Judging Todays Event.

Winner:Nickle sparrowtree
2nd:Vicky Yoshikawa
3rd:SD Damiano

Winner:Helo every one, Anrol and Steve , CWS family and friends our judge for this evening  plus our audience, I am Ms Nickle Sparrowtree,  you can call me Ms, Sparrowtree. I am ceo of a fortume 500 company., Money is time and my time cost, so lets get down to business.  My assistant Ms DarkandLovely will draw up any paperwork. Leave your name , number and what company you are from. she wil be glad to assist you.

Ms DarkandLovely did you get MrPiper on line 1 for me yet?

First off I just want to let you know that because I am a woman does not mean , I can't hang with the boys battle with the sharks , and still come out like a lady. They don't call me ruthless Sparrow for nothing.I know how to give it, take and give back two fold. I am no push over, respect always gets respect, its a cold cruel business and if your not tough you wil sink.

Ms DarkandLovely did you write up that report that I requested last night?

My order of buiness today is my attire, I am wearing a simple maroon skirt, matched up with a striped red blouse, to make my attire more buisness like I added a moroon suit jacket, It is very comfortable for those long hours of business meetings , and just to make it not so blah I added a silk shawl to help bring it to life. I am wearing a pair of comfortable black pumps.they are like walking on air, and to make myself stand apart from the guys I am wearing a gold and platinum jewelry set earrings and necklace, and of corse my trusty glasses for when I have to sign any thing, especially pay checks. That does conclude our business for today ladies and gentlemen , any thing else you wish to commumicate send it through my secretary. Ms DarkandLovely.

Shawl by Zaara
red striped blouse by Reico Rose
skirt by  Pink pearl designs
suit jacket by G&T creations
black pumps by adam & eve
jewelry by Milady's Jewelry
Sheer red stockings by Vextra Fashion
Hair by action
nails by  Mandala Takara

Thank you Anrol , Steve, our honored Judge for tonight, cws family and the audience , that concludes my business for this evening. be safe and be wise.

That wil be all  Ms DarkandLovely , your such a help beyond measure, you wil go far with that atitude. to bad I had to fire that other no good assistant plain lazy

2nd:Good evening everyone, good evening Judge and ty for coming to our Creative Business Person styling event. My name is Vicky Yoshikawa-Yongbo I am a  student at the CWS university and boy do I love what i`m being taught!:)

"Ohhhhhh I feel spots of rain", "dang"!!!!!! the "good old British Weather strikes upon us again" good job I got my BROLLY!

"Ahhhhhh thats better!", keep me nice and dry, don`t want to ruin my new hat and hair style!

It`s always nice to dress up in a business style, running my own business here in SL, I like to look smart and appealing on the eye to any  new clients.  In my opinion first Impressions are what count, the first thing a client see`s is your avi and clothing, so my advice is to dress smart, but casual. Give the right impression and you are half way there.

So with that said, I hope this look appeals to the judge this evening, I have chosen a a very vibrant smart Red Trench style coat, with button detail and lapels on the shoulders, married up with Black bootleg well pressed trousers, and black shoes. Its a very smart look that oozes sophistication. The trilby and hair add to the sophistication, giving me a full business look for a hard day at the office. The laptop bag and nerdy glasses again finish of the style. I`m all set for a hard days business. Simple stud earrings and a confident look on the runway , make me a contender for "business woman of the year".


Thank you to everyone at CWS, the CEO`s and trainers are "simply the best". Thanks to the great audience and enjoy the show:). Diana, thank you, you most certainly have a difficult task on your hands....smiles.

3rd:Good evening ladies and Gents,

My name is SD Damiano and i am a proud model of CWS, welcome to tonight's  styling theme Bussiness Person theme.

I have lunch  meeting in the City, the weather is warm light wind and the sun is beaming, I think i will wear my  new summer Beige suit.

When i walk wearing this attire in the busy city centre of UK, people can see a career woman, but not just that, one with style. My highwaiste pants are not only trendy they show style and the long length of my sexy legs. Being a Sunny day today i have decided to leave my jacket in the office..  I have matched this suit with sexy heels, lets hope i find a good parking spot,  parking is mad in the city centre so hope I dont have to be  walking alot . To complete the outfit i ahve decided to wear some nice casual Jewllery.   Taking this Attire away from the usual lady business suits I have put togtehr a mix and match, creating fashion statement with a  business woman attire. right few things to check off before i leave
Laptop: check
Headpeice: check
Right i think im ready to got tackle the world of Business.

Outfit: DN Business woman suit
Skin: belizza
nails: sexy mama.
Shoes: BM pumps,
Hair: VA.
Laptop: UW Laptop bag
Mobile: Iphone Ao
Headpeice: SMOG Bluetooth
glasses: LOL Nerdy
jewllery; league Jewllery set.

Thank you to all the Staff at CWS for giving us this chance to show off our creative styling. Thank you to the judge always a hard job. My fellow contestants who always make it hard to compete looking so great. Last but not least the audience for coming to support  us.

SD xx
Can you believe I came second again, the 2nd week in a row, the competition is so fierce, it gets harder each week, I would so not liked to have judged the event tonight, poor Diana had a hard job, bless her. Anyway its a good night from me and I will blog about tonights class tomorrow, i`m so tired its half past midnight and i need some shut here`s the smooooocherooooskie...muaaaaah xoxox
Our Event Schedule ----March 2011 ~~
Too Daily Event Stage

Welcome Everyone to Classic W/ Style - The HOTTEST Classiest and Great Place to learn all techniques in Modeling on SL
Our Event Schedule for
Please check our Blog for an accurate schedule.
Hope to See you here...

If you like to Join any events & training Send me a IM. Steve101 McCulIough will send you application to one of the Contests to Join.

Starting September 1, we will change our time for our Styling event, we will have it at 5:00 pm/slt and our pay off will increase too.
1st Place: 500L
2nd Place: 300L
3rd Place: 200L
Welcome Everyone to Classic W/ Style - The HOTTEST Classiest and Great Place to learn all techniques in Modeling on SL
Our Event Schedule for March 2011
Please check our Blog for an accurate schedule.
Hope to See you here...
Welcome Everyone to Classic W/ Style - The HOTTEST Classiest and Great Place to learn all techniques in Modeling on SL
Our Event Schedule for March 2011
Please check our Blog for an accurate schedule.
Hope to See you here...

Thursday March 10, 2011
For everyone To Join
Event: Styling Creative Business People Theme
Time: 12:00 noon/slt
Event:  Styling Fashion Show
Free Modeling Training by Nina Brianna
Time:  1:00 pm/slt
Time: 5:00 pm/slt
All Styling contestants winner will do a fashion show

Friday  March 11, 2011
Free Modeling training By DebbieDoo Tigerfish
Time: 12:00 noon/slt
Event:  Styling Styling Pirates Theme
Time : 5:00 pm

Saturday  March 12, 2011
Boost your Vote
6am till 9am for the morning
Then resume for the evening
6pm/slt till 9pm/slt
Event: Fashion Show Anubis Design
Time: 3:00 pm/slt

Sunday  March 13, 2011
Free Training W/ VeronicaLynn Parx
Time:  9:00 am/slt
Last Day for Queen of Mardigras to vote
Till 9:00 pm/slt

Monday   March 14, 2011
Free Modeling Training by Nina Brianna
Time:  1:00 pm/slt
Event: Styling Bride/Groom Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt
For All active contestants

Tuesday March 15, 2011
Free Modeling Training by Laylah Lecker
Time:  8:00 pm /slt
For All active contestants
Event: Styling Creative Sports Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt

Wednesday March 16, 2011
Free Modeling training By Lisana Rossen
Time: 1:00 pm/slt
For All active contestants
Event: Styling Creative Medievel Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt

Thursday March 17, 2011
For everyone To Join
Event: Styling Creative Saint PatrickTheme
Time: 12:00 noon/slt
Free Modeling Training by Nina Brianna
Time:  2:00 pm/slt

Friday  March 18, 2011
Free Modeling training By DebbieDoo Tigerfish
Beat The Pro!
Event: Styling Creative Formal outfit Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt

Saturday  March 19, 2011
Boost your Vote
6am till 9am for the morning
Then resume for the evening
6pm/slt till 9pm/slt
Event: Fashion Show  House of Europe
Time: 3:00 pm/slt

Sunday  March 20, 2011
Free Training W/ VeronicaLynn Parx
Time:  9:00 am/slt
Time to enter for Ms April 2011
Auction will start today.

Monday   March 21, 2011
Free Modeling Training by Nina Brianna
Time:  1:00 pm/slt
Event: Styling Super Heros  Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt
For All active contestants
First Day to Turn in Picture
For Ms April 2011 Auction

Tuesday March 22, 2011
Free Modeling Training by Laylah Lecker
Time:  8:00 pm /slt
For All active contestants
Event: Styling Creative Grunge Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt

Wednesday March 23, 2011
Free Modeling training By Lisana Rossen
Time: 1:00 pm/slt
For All active contestants
Event: Styling Creative Starwars Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt

Thursday March 24, 2011
For  all active Contestants
Event: Styling Creative Students Uniform Theme
Time: 12:00 noon/slt
Free Modeling Training by Nina Brianna
Time:  1:00 pm/slt

Friday  March 25, 2011
Free Modeling training By DebbieDoo Tigerfish
Beat The Pro!
No Styling Tonight due to UCWS Graduation
Event :  UCWS Graduation
Time: 3:00 pm/slt
Last DAy for Voting for Ms April 2011
Time: 9:00 pm/slt

Saturday  March 26, 2011
Boost your Vote
6am till 9am for the morning
Then resume for the evening
6pm/slt till 9pm/slt
Event: Fashion Show Bella Donna
Time: 3:00 pm/slt

Sunday  March 27, 2011
Free Training W/ VeronicaLynn Parx
Time:  9:00 am/slt
Queen/King of Mardigras
Time:  at 3pm/slt
100,000 linden Guaranteed in Prizes

Monday   March 28, 2011
Free Modeling Training by Nina Brianna
Time:  1:00 pm/slt
Event: Styling Viva Las Vegas Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt
For All active contestants

Tuesday March 29, 2011
Free Modeling Training by Laylah Lecker
Time:  8:00 pm /slt
For All active contestants
Event: Styling Creative President/First Lady Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt

Wednesday March 30, 2011
Free Modeling training By Lisana Rossen
Time: 1:00 pm/slt
For All active contestants
Event: Styling Creative Police Officer Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt

Thursday March 31, 2011
For  all active Contestants
Event: Styling Creative Best Boots Theme
Time: 12:00 noon/slt
Free Modeling Training by Nina Brianna
Time:  1:00 pm/slt
Event: Finale for Cover Magazine and Video
Time: 5:00 pm/slt

Friday  April 1, 2011
Free Modeling training By DebbieDoo Tigerfish
Beat The Pro!
Event: Styling April Fools Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt
Happy April Fools!

Saturday  April 2, 2011
Boost your Vote
6am till 9am for the morning
Then resume for the evening
6pm/slt till 9pm/slt
Event: Fashion Show Victoria Designs
Time: 3:00 pm/slt

Sunday  April 3, 2011
Free Training W/ VeronicaLynn Parx
Time:  9:00 am/slt
Last Day for Voting for  Hot Beach Contest
Time:  9:00 pm/slt

Monday  April 4, 2011
Free Modeling Training by Nina Brianna
Time:  1:00 pm/slt
Event: Styling Cat/Meow  Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt
For All active contestants

Tuesday April 5, 2011
Free Modeling Training by Laylah Lecker
Time:  8:00 pm /slt
For All active contestants
Event: Styling Creative Sophisticated Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt

Wednesday April 6, 2011
Free Modeling training By Lisana Rossen
Time: 1:00 pm/slt
For All active contestants
Event: Styling Creative Rainbow Color  Theme
Time: 5:00 pm/slt

Thursday  April 7, 2011
For  all active Contestants
Event: Styling Creative piercing Theme
Time: 12:00 noon/slt
UCWS: Class First Day
Free Modeling Training by Nina Brianna
Time:  1:00 pm/slt

Friday  April 8, 2011
Free Modeling training By DebbieDoo Tigerfish
Beat The Pro!
No Styling Event Tonight
Event: Styling Fashion Shows
All Styling winner will be having a fashion show
Time:  5:00 pm/slt

Saturday  April 9, 2011
Boost your Vote
6am till 9am for the morning
Then resume for the evening
6pm/slt till 9pm/slt
Event: Fashion Show JayGees Designs
Time: 3:00 pm/slt